Thursday, August 4, 2011

Weekend Lineup!

Friday, August 5th at 7:00pm: Hickory Ridge Hike!
     A guided hike led by AmeriCorps interpreter Emily will begin at the main overlook at Pikes Peak and go up to Hickory Ridge, and then follow the trail back to the concession stand (see map below).  Hike will last approximately 1 ½ hrs and will include information about the Native American mounds, the history of the park, and the plants and animals that call Pikes Peak home!  There will be stairs involved as well as some time spent on a dirt path, so please wear appropriate shoes!

Saturday, August 6th from 9:00am to 12:00pm: Pick-up Pikes Peak 2011!   Fall is the busiest time of year for Pikes Peak State Park, and we’re looking for volunteers to get the park ready for the fall leaf season!  If you’ve enjoyed visiting Pikes Peak in the past, now is a great time to help us keep the park looking beautiful!
We will be cleaning up the main overlook area as well as the Deer Ridge Trail next to the campground.  Overhanging plants will need to be pruned, and some plants may need to be pulled to keep the trail clear.  We’ll also be washing picnic tables and picking up fallen branches, sticks, and trash in the main overlook area.  Please contact the park staff or email Emily at for more details!