Thursday, July 28, 2011

Programs Resume at Pikes Peak

Our AmeriCorps interpreter is finally back from her summer travels and deployment to help with levee patrol near Hamburg, IA so programs will resume this weekend!

The lineup is:
Friday, July 29th at 7:00pm: Hickory Ridge Hike!
     A guided hike led by AmeriCorps interpreter Emily will begin at the main overlook at Pikes Peak and go up to Hickory Ridge, and then follow the trail back to the concession stand (see map below).  Hike will last approximately 1 ½ hrs and will include information about the Native American mounds, the history of the park, and the plants and animals that call Pikes Peak home!  There will be stairs involved as well as some time spent on a dirt path, so please wear appropriate shoes!
Saturday, July 30th at 8:00am: Bird Walk on the Boardwalk   Come join us on a short walk through the woods to see what birds are awake and singing along the boardwalk! We’ll meet at the main overlook and go over some of the common species found in our park and some of the basics of birdwatching before heading out.

Saturday, July 30th at 10:30am: Animal Tracks Kids’ Program!    This program will last for about an hour and kids will learn how to identify some common (and not so common!) animal tracks.  Then we’ll go out and see if we can identify some tracks in the park!  Kids can also make plaster molds of the tracks we find to take home with them!

In other news, the first annual Pikes Peak Pick-up will be held on Saturday, August 6th from 9am to 12:00pm - any and all volunteers are welcome to come and help out for as long as they can! Our main project will be to clean up Deer Ridge Trail.  Details will be posted this weekend!

Deer Ridge Trail is very appropriately named! We spotted this doe and fawn
out and about on the trail this morning!

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